krēpjlācis - August 19th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 19th, 2014

[Aug. 19th, 2014|12:01 am]
The world is a cake of shit on God's dick.
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[Aug. 19th, 2014|12:02 am]
Hidden, subtle meaning means you're smarter than me. Except when I do it.
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[Aug. 19th, 2014|12:04 am]
[music |Death in June - Till the living flesh is burned]

In the near future, Tesla's "teleforce" weapon will be declared a hoax, due to the CIA coming forth and releasing faked documents that offer "evidence" of an alternative nature, one which will "indicate" that Tesla never accomplished what he claimed. And YOU WILL BELIEVE IT, because you are RATIONAL and value CONSENSUS.
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[Aug. 19th, 2014|12:06 am]
The more I read about what "badass" is supposed to mean, the more I want to delete the universe.
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