krēpjlācis - November 2nd, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 2nd, 2012

Book of Sand [Nov. 2nd, 2012|12:44 am]
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[music |Book of Sand - I heard you'll be gone a long time]

mēģinot formulēt viedokli attiecībā par vegānismu (ne uz vienu pasākumu neaizgāju, jo biju kinda noguris pēc izmisīgām printēšanas un skenēšanas nedienām un 3 h medicīnas antropoloģijas lekcijas (kopā ar grupu darbu 5 h)) - es absolūti saprotu visus ētiskos apsvērumus, saprotu, ka it kā būtu kruta būt tīram. enivei, tas viss ir utopian stafs, jo cilvēki ir pretīgi un ļauni. tāpēc neredzu jēgu tēlot, ka tā nav vai varētu nebūt, haha. varbūt redzētu, ja man nebūtu tik vājš raksturs un es spētu sev iestāstīt, piemēram, ka spēju iztikt bez siera ilgāk nekā nedēļu (bet tas neizdotos). turklāt būt veģetārietim, bet nebūt vegānam gan man liekas kaut kas diezgan neizprotams. tikmēr šovakar apceru dažādus spēcīgus pēdējo dienu notikumus un klausos Book of Sand, kuras apraksts ir viens no lieliskākajiem vēsturē - 
Country of origin: United States Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota Status: Active Year of creation: 2009 Genre: Experimental Black Metal Lyrical themes: Anarchy, Feminism, Veganism, Anti-Racism Current label: Paradigms How Beautiful to Walk Free Full-length 2010 Destruction, Not Reformation Full-length 2010 The Bees and the Butterflies EP 2011 The Face of The Waters Full-length 2012 

tāpēc reku ielādēju jums vienu no viņu albumiņiem. izmisīgs, suicidāls, jēls blekmetāls šo vārdu vislabākajās nozīmēs - joprojām nemāku apieties ar cibu, haha. viņu tagi - black metal, atmospheric black metal, raw black metal, anarchist black metal 

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ielūgums uz ballīti (arī jums, ja kāds no jums ir DK) [Nov. 2nd, 2012|04:25 pm]
[music |kaut kāds itāļu blekmetāls]

Hey, motherfuckers! Tomorrow we're having a top punk blast bang machine post-Halloween party at our house which is located at the end of Valby. You need to dress up stupid and slutty (or spooky, haha) and come. Bring alcohol, cigarettes and other substances, if you want and you still have some money. We're going to give you some Bloody Mary's and other alcohol, also maybe some snacks. We have a big dining room for orgies and an attic. Also a little garden outside with some waterfront (but there's no water in it, cause it's broken). The forest returns to the city anyway. There will also be some Koreans and Malaysians, our landlord (he's from Malaysia) is also invited ^-^ So, this is the place,+Valby,+Denmark&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.38984,62.578125&oq=danhaven+26b&hnear=Danhaven+26B,+2500+Valby,+Denmark&t=m&z=15 I think that the best way to go there from the center is Vesterbrogade -> Roskildevej (the same street) -> Sondre Fasenvej (which changes it's name 2 times) -> turn right on Folehavn -> turn left to Danhaven (on the right side there will be a gas station, on the left side (corner of Danhaven/Folehavn) there is a small Junk Food place. When you get to Danhaven 26B it's the second door (NOT the first). Hope to see you tomorrow and we hope you like our great, long and on time invitation! Also, bring a poodle if you have one! And you can bring someone with you too. A.and A. :* :(
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