krēpjlācis - September 14th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 14th, 2010

saprāts [Sep. 14th, 2010|12:41 am]
I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this shit, blood and cum on my hands.
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klaustrofobija [Sep. 14th, 2010|12:54 am]
dzimšana āboli tumbas vēnas ūdens lauki karameles tastatūra sāpes mika lampiņa absurds kokakola nauda ekonomika tranzīts nāve
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. [Sep. 14th, 2010|11:07 pm]
[music |twin peaks - fire walk with me (Fantomas)]

un lietus mīza
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