krēpjlācis - February 5th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 5th, 2010

skaistums [Feb. 5th, 2010|06:44 pm]
ārā ir tik skaists laiks. patīkami vēss un sniegpils. man ļoti patīk krēslas stundās staigāt pa naksnīgo Rīgu. man patīk slēpot un skatīties ledū.
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citāts [Feb. 5th, 2010|06:47 pm]
[music |Cranes - Every Town]

Set out along the way
Inching the wrong way
I guess I don't want to go far
And when I'm riding
Don't notice who's driving
My head is alone in the stars

Within in my dreams
I never seen any frowns
Within in my dreams
You are in every town

Stumbling backwards and tripping on flowers
I don't seem to find any truths
I filled up with sorrow
From here 'till tomorrow
But when my eyes close I'm with you
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