nervu kamoliņi |
[Jan. 15th, 2010|07:27 pm] |
šodien biju ekonomikas olimpiādē, un wtf, kāpēc cilvēki iet uz olimpiādi, ja nevar iztikt bez fucking špikeriem? vismaz viens briļļains nūģis tika arī diskvalificēts, jo izmantoja nevis špikeri, bet gan burtnīcu, kuru viņam, pat sēžot pēdējā solā, neizdevās noslēpt no briļļainās resnulītes skolotājas (pozitīvā nozīmē) acīm. |
Meshuggah - Closed Eye Visuals |
[Jan. 15th, 2010|07:32 pm] |
[ | music |
| | Meshuggah - Closed Eye Visuals | ] | "Unbound to the pale and lifeless day by the multicolored, multiform A spinning antidream unthought--Exceeding the obsolete reality Overheated inner shape generator. Blowing every cerebral fuse Insanity filtered and systematized. Feeding the tools of mind abuse.
Mind-signal transmissions peaked, distorted, bent, unrestrained Neuroreceivers short circuit. System parameters overgained Neverthreads decoding the stream of the reality--inverting revolution The patterned untruth of nondream. The closed eye visual delusion
A frantic cellular race down the switchbacks of mind Throttling the existence engine. A propulsion beyond all limit lines Convulsive thrusts of septic energy as infected cells collide Unleashing the video-bacterial disease the sinew conducted psuedo vision"
Meshuggah ir viena no intensīvākajām new-wave metāla grupām everest. Meshuggah ebrejiski nozīmē traks, btw. |