
2 x 8

Jan. 19., 2004 | 09:24 pm
No:: nfoworm

Ar visu to, ka fīlings kā izdirstai jāņogai, šodien esmu izcīnījis sev divus ierakstus studiju grāmatiņā: viens 8 - Bičevskis, otrs 8 - anglene. Ar visu to, ka pamatīgi nolažojos stāstot topiku, pamatīgi izcēlāmies ar Kurpnieku nostāstot dialogu par raganām no Monty Python :)))

BTW - dialogs pieejams zemāk:

Ways of recognizing the witch

Peasant, delegate of a crowd: Hallo, my lord!
The lord: Be welcome, my son.
P: We have found a witch. May we burn her?
L: How do you know she is a witch?
P: She looks like one! Look at her nose!
L: This is a false one.
P: Eeeh… We did the nose.
L: The nose?
P: And the hat. But she is a witch!
L: Did you dress her up like this?
P: Eeeh... yes. A bit. Just a bit. But she has got a wart.
L: There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
P: Are there? What are they? Tell us! Do they hurt?
L: Tell me: what do you do witch witches?
P: Burn them!
L: And what do you burn apart from witches?
P: Wood!
L: So, why do witches burn?
P: Because they are made of wood?
L: Good. So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
P: We can build a bridge out of her!
L: Aha, but can’t you also make bridges of stone?
P: Oh, yeah.
L: Does wood sink in water?
P: No! It floats! Throw her into the pond!
L: What also floats in water?
P: Bread. Apples! Very small rocks! Nuts!
L: No, no.
P: Mmmm... a duck!
L: Exactly! So, logically, if she ...
P: ... weighs the same as a duck she is made of wood.
L: And, therefore ...
P: A witch!
L: We shall use my largest scales!

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