astrālais ķermenis kedās ([info]nervukamolis) wrote on November 17th, 2020 at 11:21 pm
:) es centos. Paldies.
"There's a huge mistake in thinking that the one explanation contradicts the other when you raise it to the level of God. Let me put it this way. God no more conflicts with science as an explanation of the universe, or even competes, than Henry Ford conflicts with automobile engineering and physics to explain a motorcar. They are different kinds of explanation. One is a scientific explanation, and the other is an agent explanation. And what is so important to recognize at the very beginning is that we have these different kinds of explanation, but we live in an age where scientism is a dominant attitude, and scientism tells you that science is the only way to truth. And I believe that's clearly false. It's even logically false."
Man šķiet, tev šī diskusija ir apnikusi/sākusi krist uz nerviem. Vai tā? Viss, pietiek?
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