Pirmdiena, 4. Okt 2010, 22:05

Over and done.
Esmu kalna galā. Perfekts kāpiens, perfekti pārvarētas grūtības, pasaule - tā apgriezta kājām gaisā. Pēkšņs vieglums, maigs vējiņš - viss ir beidzies. Atpūta pēc ilgas, ilgas - divu gadu garas - cīņas. Cīņa - kaut arī patīkama un ar apzinātu mērķi - tomēr nogurdina.

I have said that before, I have known it since I was born. Sometimes things that happen to me are too miraculous to believe..even for me. I come down here to change the place, to turn it around, to tear the devil into pieces! I will grab it by the balls and tie it down. Easily. With love and grace. I will give it the chance to turn back.

and yes, it hurts, if fuckin hurts me knowing that many of you won't go till the end, knowing that I am going to loose many of you on the way, not being able to help it. The choice is yours. There is only one road, only one door - take it or leave it. The End is there, it will come, it won't go away.

don't fake your love to me. I read you. I see through you. your every single thought is known to me. the prize is equal to your input.

Otrdiena, 5. Okt 2010, 20:15

Ai, man te ir konkrēts piedāvājums - jebkurā ēterā, jebkurā televīzijā, nevis skaitīt cipariņus no viens līdz divdesmit, bet močīt, nevis jēli sagatavoti teksti, bet reāls frīstails un tad mēs te redzēsim, kurš ir mīkstais, kurš varbūt velti nīstais un kam jau sen mīksts vaigs