
Nov. 3., 2008 | 06:13 pm

Tarun J Tejpal. The Alchemy of Desire.

Cauruncaur skumja grāmata. Pat ar visu gaiši, cerīgi iekrāsoto nobeigumu. Tāda dzīves smeldze tāpat tajā ir.

Un šoreiz man grūti novērtēt, vai grāmata ir laba, jo, lai tā vērtētu, vajag distancēties. Šoreiz distancēties īsti nesanāk, jo pārāk (un negaidīti) daudz te bija par mani.

Viens gan ir skaidrs: grāmata nav par seksu, bet gan par mīlestību.

"She was wearing a loose red pullover. I lifted it, and everything underneath it. She arched her back and she was more beautiful than all the trees and birds and mountains."

"..and I read and read while she lay with her beautiful head on my thigh, her warm breath moving in my matted hair. And as I read I felt connected to larger things."

"Then I would desperately need to be with Fizz, and if I couldn't be I would begin to walk. And I would walk and walk and walk - seeing nothing, hands in pockets - till the sorrow had drained out of me."

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