
Life long story

8/9/13 02:24 am - Heat

Starting something, giving up, starting again, giving up again...loop. I guess I'm simply not motivated enough. Being home doesn't help. Waiting doesn't help either. And gosh, thoughts of wasting my time and turning 24 soon doesn't help a tiny bit. No, this is not heat stroke talking. Time is such a precious thing. There's never enough time and jet I'm wasting it so recklessly. Some say it is good to take a break, rest a while, but I can't help to notice time to go by and there's nothing exciting happening, nothing takes my breath away these couple of months. 
Waiting some more. Next week first set of training. 

6/21/12 11:33 pm - Cage or not to cage

Can't get few lines out of my head. I know only that there is lot of work to be done before I can say I'm at the place I want to be. 

Like some people say, I am young and stupid. I can get wiser by time. But are we really getting wiser? Will I ever stop learning and gathering experiences or will I get stuck like so many people out there. As some people get older they start to play safe, taking things for granted, setting frames and rules for themselves. Do they set themselves free or cage themselves forever? Can cage be freedom? And aren't our ideals and future selves sort of a frame we try to put ourselves into?

Today I'm random-thinking.

Again I'm waiting. Counting every day, hour and minute. I know it is kind of pathetic, but I really don't care about anything else right now. Just five more days. 

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