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Jan. 31st, 2011 | 01:10 am
mood: domīgs

es parasti neiefanoju par dziesmu tekstiem (jo reti kuri ir labi, izņemot Hospitāļu Ielu, protams)
bet šonakt mani kaut kā aizķēra šie. kaut kas tur ļoti tā ir

Florence And The Machine - Falling

I've fallen out of favour
And I've fallen from grace
Fallen out of trees
And I've fallen on my face
Fallen out of taxis
Out of windows too
Fell in your opinion
When I fell in love with you

Sometimes I wish for falling
Wish for the release
Wish for falling through the air
To give me some relief
Because falling's not the problem
When I'm falling I'm in peace
It's only when I hit the ground
It causes all the grief

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