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Friday, September 16th, 2022

    Time Event
    Taro kārtīs transhumānismu manuprāt vislabāk simbolizē Tornis. Kaut kas ir uzbūvēts, ar tieksmi uz augšu, bet to sagrauj ārēji spēki (daba?).
    Transhumanistic Tarot
    Symbolism plays a large part in human life. Through symbols,
    humans can communicate and codify their culture. If
    transhumanism is to survive and expand, we have to create new
    symbols which conform to our views and are able to convey
    them. This is a half serious, half joking attempt to sketch
    a transhumanistic tarot deck. The Tarot cards are loaded
    symbols, which with surprising ease can be modified to
    reflect our views. I would not be surprised if many people
    would understand them better than any verbal explanation.

    Note: these descriptions become much easier to understand if
    compared to the cards. I have mainly based them on the
    Rider-Waite deck, available at
    and other places on the net.

    The Major Arcana:

    The Fool: The Normal Human. Shows an ordinary person walking
    towards a busy street, holding a shopping bag. He is reading
    a tabloid and listening on his walkman, completely unaware of
    the danger. A doomsayer tries to warn him while holding forth
    his hand for payment.

    The Magician: The Transhumanist. A man with an infinity sign
    above his head stands behind a table. He points upwards with
    one hand, and with the other he shows the tools on the table:
    a computer, a credit card, a chemistry set, a book and a

    The High Priestess: The Environmentalist. Shows a woman
    sitting between two trees, holding a petition against

    Empress: The Media. Shows a female talk-show host, sitting
    with a microphone in a studio, looking at the camera.

    Emperor: The Politician. A man in suit stands behind a podium
    with lots of microphones, making a forceful speech.

    Hierophant or Pope: The Fundamentalist Preacher. A priest
    blessing kneeling believers, who offer money.

    Lovers: Cooperation. A man and a woman exchanging goods.

    Chariot: Boundless Expansion. Shows a man sitting in the
    cockpit of a small spacecraft plotting his course on a
    holographic screen.

    Strength or Lust: Dynamic Optimism. Shows a man controlling
    his fears in the shape of a lion (just like the original

    Hermit: Self Transformation. A man in lab coat stands inside
    a cold storage room, holding a piece of DNA and looking at a

    Wheel of Fortune: Intelligent Technology. Shows the Net
    expanding, with symbols flowing along the lines. Different
    beings (agents, experts and AIs) circle it.

    Justice: Spontaneous Order. An empty seat, above which hangs
    a pair of scales in balance.

    Hanged Man: Bureaucracy. Shows a man hanging in red tape in
    front of a imposing office building.

    Death: Cryonic Suspension. Shows several people being frozen
    by cryonicists.

    Temperance or Art: Rationality. A scientist carefully mixing
    two substances and observing the results.

    The Devil: Irrationality or Atavism. Shows a man/animal
    hybrid wielding a club, and a man and a woman chained by DNA
    chains to its feet.

    The Tower: Crisis. An downward-pointing arrow from a
    statistical diagram hits a skyscraper. A man and a woman in
    suits fall out from the windows, spreading papers and
    documents into the air.

    The Star: Nanotechnology. A woman pours a solution of
    nanomachines into a polluted lake, cleaning it, and onto the
    ground, making flowers bloom. In the sky great diamond
    structures shine.

    The Moon: The O'Neill colony. The inside of a K3 colony, with
    hills and buildings along the curved horizon. In the
    foreground a cat, a dog and a lobster look up towards the
    crescent of the Moon seen through one of the windows.

    The Sun: The Dyson Sphere. A blazing sun partially surrounded
    by a Dyson Sphere. In the foreground a small robot moves a
    piece of solar collector towards its position.

    Judgment or Aeon: The Singularity. Shows people being
    awakened from cryonic suspension. In the background is a huge

    The World or Universe: Reality. Shows a person floating in
    space with virtual reality gear.

    Minor Arcana:

    The minor arcana correspond to different sciences or
    disciplines. I would like the court cards to be represent
    central scientists or phenomena, while the lesser cards show
    different applications (like two of swords as Encryption and
    two of cups as medicine).

    Wands: Philosophy, Psychology and Cybernetic Enchancements.
    Also corresponds to the Strong Force and Self Transformation.

    Cups: Complexity Theory, Biology, Economics and Artificial
    Life. Also corresponds to the Weak Force and Spontaneous

    Swords: Cognitive Science, Information Theory, Computer
    Science and Mathematics. Also corresponds to Electromagnetism
    and Boundless Expansion.

    Pentacles: Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Physics and AI. Also
    corresponds to Gravity and Intelligent Technology.

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