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Thursday, November 26th, 2020

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    Dažādība pastāv arī covidiotu masā, kā gan citādi. Vai jūs vēl atceraties čali, kurš kopā ar Grāveru bīdīja savas Harē Krišna dziesmiņas? Gan ar Jumpravu, gan ar atsevišķo Ramadance projektu? Nataradža.

    Tad lūk, šis Nataradža - laicīgajā vārdā Arnis Heidemanis - nu jau kādu laiku dzīvo Zviedrijā. Aktīvi postē feisbukā, viedoklis liels un nesagraujams vienmēr. Īsumā - viņš dzīvo pareizi, tā kā vajag, visi citi dzīvo nepareizi.

    Tad nu čalis pievērsies arī covid tematikai. Lūk, svaigākais ieraksts par tēmu...

    Nataraja Das Heidemann
    20 h ·
    (Some people will actually vaccine God, and will put the mask on Him, thinking it is great service - because WHO said...)
    Yes - Whom You Serve? - This is my question to all ISKCON (and not only) leaders, who are running in frontlines for to implement CORONAreligion orders - closing temples for visitors, closing temple services, enforcing distancing and etc.
    I have heard so many arguments from devotees, who repeat governments (actually WHO) ordered mantras - which are actually just a manipulations with numbers, TV agenda and mass media hysteria.
    I have heard all type of arguments, from:
    “So many devotees died, how one can speak about any conspiracy!...”
    “It is politically safe to follow all the orders of State and WHO, otherwise we can lose our status...”
    What? If there is no conspiracy, then why one should fear to not follow COVID orders of State and WHO?
    And who is WHO? Some organization named “WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION”.
    What is that? Scientists? Politicians? Businessmen’s?
    Did not Prabhupada said that all modern politicians and scientists are rascals? Did not Prabhupada said - that modern day world is ruled by rakshasas, who will not hesitate to kill and eat even their own children? Did not Prabhupada said that the great sinister movement already is entered our Movement?
    Who is conspiracist?
    And who is WHO?
    Look just only at their “Health topic” stances!
    Nr1. ABORTION! Look!
    But According Srila Prabhupada and Vedic culture - abortion is one of the most heinous crime! Bhruna hatya.
    And You - being devotee will listen to what some WHO are ordering?
    While at the same time knowing well, that they are killing dozens of millions unborn babies all over the world.
    And you will follow their advices? Their “health care” and “care” for the “human lives” in this COVIDemic?
    They care nothing. It is not about care. It is about control. And about service. It is about for you to serve them. Choose your side.
    “How nature can be controlled? Mām eva ye prapadyante māyām etāṁ taranti te[Bg. 7.14]. This is the law of nature. If you become disobedient to God, then prakṛti,or nature, will give you trouble in so many ways. And as soon as you become submissive, surrender to Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there will be no more natural disturbances. I have heard in 1900..., 1898---I was born in 1896---so I have heard, I have seen also, I remember, in Calcutta there was a very virulent type of plague epidemic in 1900..., 1898. So Calcutta became devastated. All people practically left Calcutta. Daily hundreds and hundreds of people were dying. I was one year old or one and a half year old. I have seen what was happening. But there was plague epidemic. That I did not know. I, later on, I heard from my parents.
    So one bābājī, he organized saṅkīrtana,Hare Kṛṣṇa saṅkīrtana. When there was no other way, so he organized saṅkīrtanaall over Calcutta. And the, in saṅkīrtana,all people, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Parsi, everyone joined. And they were coming, they were going road to road, street to street, entering in every house. So that Mahatma Gandhi Road, 151, you have seen. The saṅkīrtana party we received very nicely. There was light, and I was very small, I was also dancing, I can remember. Just like our small children sometimes dances. I remember. I could see only up to the knees of the persons who were joined. So the plague subsided. This is a fact. Everyone who knows history of Calcutta, the plague was subsided by saṅkīrtana movement.
    Of course, we do not recommend that saṅkīrtana should be used for some material purpose. “
    Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.10.5
    Type: Srimad-Bhagavatam
    Date: June 20, 1973
    Location: Māyāpur
    Let’s make mass harinam sankirtana movement, let’s go out to the streets. Let’s serve Supreme, and help others to wake up.
    Until it is not to late.
    Road to road, street to street, entering in every house.
    Viens gadījums

    Otrs gadījums

    Saprotu, nav identiskas situācijas, bet tomēr - vazāties apkārt ir vazāties apkārt jebkurā valstī, un covid visur ir vienāds. Neaicinu nevienu pārkāpt noteikumus, taču apzinos, ka var būt simts un viens iemesls, kāpēc cilvēkam vajag noteikumus apiet. Gandrīz katrs autobraucējs taču ir kaut kad pārkāpis ātruma ierobežojumus, protams, pamatojot to ar kādu īpašu vajadzību. Dažiem tā ir vairāk pamatota, citiem mazāk. Bet šaubos, vai daudzi izvēlas braukt pārāk ātri "ponta pēc".

    Es domāju, cilvēku reakcijas uz šiem gadījumiem lieliski demonstrē divas lietas. Pirmkārt, cilvēkiem vairāk rūp sava valsts - attiecīgi par kaut kādu Zviedriju vai Itāliju viņiem ir nospļauties. Manuprāt, stulba attieksme. Atkārtošos - covid visur ir viens un tas pats. Otrkārt, cilvēkiem ir kaut kāda uzmācīga vēlme kontrolēt un komandēt citus - un publiski izrādīties ar savu iestāšanos par pareizo lietu. Tāpēc mēs arī redzam tviterī izliktus foto ar politiķi bez maskas veikalā. Nē, cilvēks neies klāt viņam pateikt, hei, vecīt, kā ar masku. Tā vietā nofotografē un izliek bildi publiskai apskatei - kas covid izplatību ierobežo par absolūti necik.

    Jā, jā, zinu, Latvijā ir noteikta pašizolācija, Zviedrijā nav. Bet pamatprincips vienalga ir nevazāties apkārt. Ceļot uz citām valstīm šajā laikā vispār manā skatījumā nav prātīgi. Bet vai es kādu ceļotāju nosodu? Nē.

    Būsim cilvēcīgi un izprotoši. Tā būs labāk. It īpaši šajos pandēmijas laikos.

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