we are a species with amnesia

28.. Okt, 2007 | 12:28
skaņas: Placebo - Song To Say Goodbye

As a species, we need to acknowledge the depth of our historical dilemma. We will continue to play with half a deck as long as we continue to tolerate cardinals of government and science who presume to dictate where human curiosity can legitimately focus its attention and where it cannot. - Terence McKenna

All matter is merely energy condensed to a small vibration. We are all one consiousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is just a dream and we are the imaginations of ourselves. - Bill Hicks

If you are not against the system, you are the system.

"But Morpheus everyone doesn't believe as you." ..... "MY BELIEF DOESN'T REQUIRE THEM TO." - The Matrix

Bet tas, ko es gribēju piedāvāt ir šis un tas par arheoloģiju. Man likās interesanti.

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Franny says:

15.. Jul, 2007 | 15:11

"-Man vienkārši metas nelabi no šā nepārtrauktā ego, ego, ego. No sava un no citu arī. Man metas nelabi no visiem, kas grib kaut ko panākt, darīt kaut ko īpašu un tā tālāk, likties interesanti. Tas ir pretīgi, jā, jā, pretīgi. [..] Es nebaidos no sāncensības. Gluži otrādi. Vai tad tu tiešām nesaproti? Mani baida tas, ka es pati sacentīšos,- tieši tas mani biedē. Tieši tāpēc es pametu teātri. Un no tā vien, ka esmu noskaņota atzīt to, ko atzīst par vērtīgu citi, ka man patīk aplausi, patīk, ka par mani sajūsminās,-no tā vien man labāk nekļūst. Man ir kauns par to. Un man tas riebj. Riebjas, ka man pietrūkst drosmes būt pilnīgi nekam. Es riebjos pati sev, un man riebjas visi, kas par katru cenu grib uztaisīt ap sevi vienalga kādu, bet blīkšķi."

- Dž.D.Selindžers. "Frenija un Zūijs"

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that book

15.. Maijs, 2007 | 18:50

Gee, kā man patīk tā grāmata - Friedrih Wilhelm Nietzsche "Der Antichrist". Vienkārši skaisti. Tik trāpīgi. Tik spēcīgi. Nu, piemēram: "Ticība dod svētlaimi: tātad tā melo." Vai: "[..]grēks, šī cilvēka pašpazemošanās forma par exellence, ir izgudrots, lai padarītu neiespējamu zinātni, kultūru, katra cilvēka izcilību un dižciltību; pateicoties grēku izgudrošanai, priesteris valda."
Nu, kā tas var nepatikt? Kā var nepiekrist?

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2.. Maijs, 2007 | 17:10

"People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk."
"I recognize terror as the finest emotion and so I will try to terrorize the reader. But if I find that I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find that I cannot horrify, I'll go for the gross-out. I'm not proud."
"Each life makes its own imitation of immortality."
"When asked, 'How do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time.'"
"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work."

- Stephen King

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* * *

31.. Dec, 2006 | 18:22

Gretchen: Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood.

(c) Donnie Darko

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(c) Fight Club

31.. Dec, 2006 | 15:47

.. )

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* * *

31.. Dec, 2006 | 15:08

"Disco Cabbie: Everybody's having fun out here. They drinking, they fighting, they pissing on the streets. It's New Year's Eve. They loving the ladies."

(c) 200 Cigarettes

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* * *

20.. Dec, 2006 | 21:26
skaņas: Nirvana - Rape Me

"Maybe someday we'll all get over the nineties."
-Steve Fisk (Sub Pop Records)

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* * *

14.. Dec, 2006 | 21:28
skaņas: Moonspell - 2econd skin

"..brīdī, kad nevainība pārvērtās pieredzē, kaut kas mainījās."
- Philip Pullman

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* * *

2.. Nov, 2006 | 14:38

don`t go around saying the world owes you a living. the world owes you nohing. it was here first.

(mark twain)

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wish it was mine..

19.. Okt, 2006 | 10:50

"..Es sēžu zem cietskoka tumšajiem zariem
Ar lodeni vilkdams pār asinsvadiem
No rietošās saules zelta stariem
Dzejoļus kausēju mirušo gariem"


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* * *

11.. Sep, 2006 | 13:19
skaņas: hole - gutless

"i don`t really miss god, but i sure miss santa claus"

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