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21.. Dec, 2011 | 22:44
skaņas: Live - Run To The Water
Tā mūžīgā sajūta, ka nepārtraukti ir jāskrien, jādara, jāpaspēj. Nemitīgi jāplāno, nemitīgi jāskatās pulkstenī, nemitīgi jāpiedomā. Nemitīgi jāatrod sevī spēks neapstāties.
Man, lūdzu, tikai vienu dienu, kurā nebūtu jāskatās pulkstenī. Un viss.
run to the water
and find me there
burnt to the core but not broken
we'll cut through the madness
of these streets below the moon
with a nuclear fire of love in our hearts
rest easy baby, rest easy
and recognize it all as light and rainbows
smashed to smithereen
Man, lūdzu, tikai vienu dienu, kurā nebūtu jāskatās pulkstenī. Un viss.
run to the water
and find me there
burnt to the core but not broken
we'll cut through the madness
of these streets below the moon
with a nuclear fire of love in our hearts
rest easy baby, rest easy
and recognize it all as light and rainbows
smashed to smithereen
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date: 22.. Dec, 2011 - 13:03
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