nevar uzcept omleti, nesasitot pāris olas
atziņas no intervijas ar google AI nodaļas veci: "Worryingly, cofounder Shane Legg thinks the team's advances could be what finishes off the human race: "Eventually, I think human extinction will probably occur, and technology will likely play a part in this"." :
(saite uz rakstu šeit: tur iekšā ir arī saite uz oriģinālo interviju, bet tajā jautājumi iet, piemēram, šādā formā:
P(negative consequences | badly done AI) = ?
P(extremely negative consequences | badly done AI) = ?
(Where 'negative' = human extinction; 'extremely negative' = humans suffer;)
Shane Legg: Depends a lot on how you define things. If by suffering you mean prolonged suffering, then I think this is quite unlikely.
kas, manuprāt, nav super pārskatāmi).
atziņas no intervijas ar google AI nodaļas veci: "Worryingly, cofounder Shane Legg thinks the team's advances could be what finishes off the human race: "Eventually, I think human extinction will probably occur, and technology will likely play a part in this"." :
(saite uz rakstu šeit:
P(negative consequences | badly done AI) = ?
P(extremely negative consequences | badly done AI) = ?
(Where 'negative' = human extinction; 'extremely negative' = humans suffer;)
Shane Legg: Depends a lot on how you define things. If by suffering you mean prolonged suffering, then I think this is quite unlikely.
kas, manuprāt, nav super pārskatāmi).