"The European Space Agency's Rosetta mission is poised to send out a small probe to land on a comet known as 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko." :
(pāris stundas vēlāk)
"The Rosetta mission has detected a mysterious signal coming from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. (..) when recording signals in the 40-50 millihertz frequency range, the RPC scientists stumbled on a surprise — the comet was singing, they report."
cik nu es no šīm lietām saprotu - vai nu kaut kāda ar Deividu Boviju saistīta parādība, vai arī psc mums visiem tagad ir :/
soundklaud links arī: https://soundcloud.com/esaops/a-singing-comet
(pāris stundas vēlāk)
"The Rosetta mission has detected a mysterious signal coming from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. (..) when recording signals in the 40-50 millihertz frequency range, the RPC scientists stumbled on a surprise — the comet was singing, they report."
cik nu es no šīm lietām saprotu - vai nu kaut kāda ar Deividu Boviju saistīta parādība, vai arī psc mums visiem tagad ir :/
soundklaud links arī: https://soundcloud.com/esaops/a-sin