Human is the awkward liminal phase between animal and machine


9916 0046

Iegādāju krēslu. Mugurkauls (kas, par spīti sekmīgajam remontam, pēc garām rakstīšanas stundām mēdz sajusties nelāgi) pagaidām novērtē ļoti atzinīgi.

Tags: , ,
State: working
Sound: Theatre Of Tragedy - Assembly: Universal Race

12715 0145

With Soylent, the set of things I really need has shrunk to {flat, clothes, chocolate, coffee, pills, fast connection, fast PC}. Less meat, more 1337.

Tags: , ,
State: awake
Sound: Aurum Nostrum - Whip Of Mind: Dust Rose Up

22515 0148

Salūza kafijas prese, I never asked for this.

Update@12715: Jauna kafijas prese.

Tags: , ,
State: awake
Sound: The Azoic - Forward: Progression
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