([info]methodrone) wrote on February 22nd, 2021 at 05:24 pm
Koa? Kas par apdrošināšanu? Es neko tādu neizlasīju nekur :/

Cik es saprotu no tiem referantiem tikai vienam ir jābūt ar britu pasi. Karoče 1.) ar britu pasi, over 25 yrs un/vai? profesionāli strādājošs 2.) ar jebkuras nacionalitātes pasi, bet obligāti profesionāli strādājošs publiskajā sektorā/publiskos pakalpojumos, kas būtībā ir ļoti daudzi un dažādi darbi, ieskaitot zobārstus, pastniekus, gara liste, bet iekopēšu:

‘Acceptable professional persons’ means:

airline pilot
articled clerk of a limited company
assurance agent of recognised company
bank or building society official
British Computer Society (BCS) - professional grades which are Associate (AMBCS), Member (MBCS), Fellow (FBCS) (PN 25/2003)
chairman or director of limited company
Christian science practitioner
commissioner for oaths
councillor: local or county
civil servant (permanent)
designated premises supervisors
director or Manager of a VAT registered charity
director, manager or personnel officer of a VAT registered company
driving instructor (approved)
engineer (with professional qualifications)
fire service official
funeral director
insurance agent (full time) of a recognised company
justice of the Peace
legal secretary (members and fellows of the Institute of legal secretaries)
local government officer
manager or Personnel officer (of limited company)
member of Parliament
member of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces
Merchant Navy officer
minister of a recognised religion
nurse (RN, SEN or holder of a BA in nursing)
officer of the armed services (active or retired)
paralegal (certified or qualified paralegals, and associate members of the Institute of Paralegals)
person with honours (such as OBE, MBE and so on)
personal licensee holders
photographer (professional)
police officer
Post Office official
president or secretary of a recognised organisation
Salvation Army officer
social worker
teacher, lecturer
trade union officer
travel agency (qualified)
valuers and auctioneers (fellow and associate members of the incorporated society)
warrant officers and chief petty officers
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