I hope so.. kaut gan Telegraph rakstā bija teikts šādi:
Midwives have been told to stop using terms including "breastfeeding" and “breastmilk” as part of a new trans-friendly policy at an NHS trust.
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals (BSUH) NHS Trust is the first in the country to formally implement a gender inclusive language policy for its maternity services department — which will now be known as "perinatal services".
Staff have been told to avoid using the word “mothers” on its own and have been given a list of alternative terms to use when addressing patients including "mothers or birthing parents", "breast/chestfeeding" and "maternal and parental".
Instead of saying "breastmilk", they can choose from "human milk" or "breast/chestmilk" or "milk from the feeding mother or parent".
The language changes will be implemented in the trust's webpages, leaflets and communications such as letters and emails. Staff will be asked to use language which reflects people's "own identities and preferences" when talking to patients.
Other changes include replacing the use of the word "woman" with the phrase "woman or person", and the term "father" with "parent", "co-parent" or "second biological parent", depending on the circumstances.
Kas izklausās diezgan strikti. Bet gan jau ka pārsvarā ārsti tikai ar trans cilvēkiem runās tādā valodā.
Es tiko arī izlasīju labu rakstu no vienas Telegraph trans žurnālistes, kura uzstāj, ka šādi likumi tieši nāk par sliktu trans cilvēkiem, ņemot vērā, ka trans sievietes tieši grib visu sievišķīgo uz sevi atribūtot. So it doesn't even make sense..
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