([info]methodrone) wrote on March 4th, 2019 at 01:26 pm
The Divider 

We have heard the word ‘devil’ since our childhood, but what does it literally mean? We know it describes the being who is our enemy and adversary, but it has something else to say to us. 

The devil is rather one who, spiritually speaking, does everything in his power to separate us (dia-bolos in Greek meaning ‘the who who divides’) from the vertical link uniting true believers with God, and which alone saves them from solitude and death. (Luc Ferry) 

The Greek words dia and bolos mean ‘across’ and ‘who throws’, respectively. Put together they identify someone ‘who throws across’ – one who creates chasms, ruptures connections, breaks down relationships and divides. This is what the devil is – The Divider. 

This is obvious when it comes to our relationship with God. Of course the devil would want to muff that up. But, it is not only that. Anywhere we see division, we see the devil at work. When we look at our life and discern carefully the places where division exists, we have spotted the trail of The Divider, like the trail of gutted land left by deforesters. 

This is a fundamental and profound element of the spirit of the antichrist. Can’t we look into history and the world around us and sense a dominating, Bow-Down-To-Me kind of force that seeks to divide people(s) and break things (especially relationships) apart? And can’t we sense it closer to home too? Can’t we also look into our lives and sense something that is trying to isolate us? It doesn’t necessarily divide us violently, but we just drift into lives of hermitage we aren’t called to and can’t handle. We have to struggle against something that makes us settle with going-it-alone. In summary, we are tempted to live without community.  


Šis arī sasaucas ar atziņu, ka pazaudējuši beaznosacījumu vienotību Dievā, cilvēki pieslejas visādām (citām?) sociālajām kustībām un ideoloģijām ar kopības masku, kas viņus drīzāk šķeļ. Jo cilvēks ir ieprogrammēts uz kopību, tāpat kā stādiņam pretī saulītei, viņam kaut kā ir jāaug pretī kopībai, un atsakoties no pašas galvenās kopības, viņš tikuntā centīsies to panākt un panāks, bet jau pataloģiskākos un destruktīvākos veidos? Bet labā vēsts ir tāda, ka galapunkts tikuntā sanāk, ka ir Dievs, un pat ja pie Viņa jānokļūst pataloģiski, tas tikai piedod estētiku I guess.
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