([info]methodrone) wrote on November 11th, 2018 at 08:06 pm
"Today, smoothness and waxed bodies, quite sadly, are seen as the same thing as beauty. The morale behind this is clear: Smooth, smoother, smoothest = good, better, best. All that is strange, secret, or negative—in other words, all that passes through our thoughts—disappears, due to the ongoing repetition of sameness. 

We lack a critical yet creative and life-affirming approach to overcoming this confinement. When we avoid the negative, the difficult and the painful, we amputate life. Our lives tend to circle around ourselves, making the circle smaller and smaller as we Google ourselves into unconsciousness."

Kad es beidzot iedarubīšos, ka ja pasaule gribēs anihilēties un mīlestība zaudēt, tad tas notiks neatkarīgi no manis?
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