([info]methodrone) wrote on November 22nd, 2017 at 05:50 pm
Planet Earth is blue, and there is nothing I can do.
Ļoti garīga dokumentālā filma. Bļe, i'm shook. Pamodies un gulēt aiziet vairs nevar. Lūdzu nāciet visi līdzi! Check ignition and may God's love be with you.

"You're on a spiritual journey, period. And we are all gonna end up in the same place, if there is such a thing. And maybe there isn't. Maybe there is just this and that's it, there's me and the tea cup. That's it. There's us, we're the universe man. I like that, that's fine. Yeah so, uh, yeah.. I don't know what else to say about all this. Yeah I think I'm tapped out. 
You know, unless uh, I wonder.. I wonder if I could do that with other people. I wonder, I wonder what would happen if I decided to just be Jesus."
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