briinumcepuminjsh ([info]french_mime) wrote on May 11th, 2016 at 11:36 pm
I think I approach it in a more egotistical way. If I was real with them, I would ask about the things that I am interested in, asked them real life related questions, empathised with them when I felt empathy, expressed joy when I felt it, expressed sadness when I felt it, expressed anger when I felt it, didn't ask them questions when I am not interested or tired of human interaction, would not have to do pretense conversations. Piemēram, katru reizi, kad kāds britu cilvēks man pajautā how are you (unless we are close friends), immediately I must bend to the social construct and say that I am fine and ask them how they are, un man ir jānēsā tā priecīgā easygoing maska, that's when I become so inauthentic unreal and absurd that I could literally be anyone, tas ir tas brīdis, kad any honest mutual sharing becomes impossible un mani piespiež nēsāt cilvēka šablonu, nevis ļauj izpaust savu momentary state. Tāpēc es nevienam to nejautāju, ja vien es neesmu patiesi ieinteresēta, which makes me unfit for socialisation because people think I am cold and distant and by the time I do ask them we are already strangers so they do not want to share because I did not ask it on the hundreds of instances when I preferred to talk about more specific things.

Es domāju, ka nav jāizturas pretīmnākoši when you don't feel like that, it is exhausting and you might start to resent people that way.

Basically es izturētos pret cilvēkiem tā, kad esmu piedzērusies ballītē un eju pīppauzē, just talking about interesting things and sharing and being together when the moment feels right.
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