briinumcepuminjsh ([info]french_mime) wrote on March 13th, 2013 at 12:39 am
Vins saka aptuveni (parfrazejot un interpretejot) ka tu varbut doma, ka postmodernisms ir cinisks, bet ta nav. Skatoties no ta punkta, kur tas sakas tas ir par fun un rotaljam ar valodu un narrative un how it relates to being. Vins saka ka post modern novels are fun, experimental, eclectic things. Postmodernism hasn't actually got much to do with the war,, it has more to do with eclectic culture, information, data, replication, copying, montages, blending of history, blending of all boundaries, collage, porousness or borders. Sounds like you've been reading Jamesons cultural logic of late capitalism whih is a marxist interpretation of postmodernism. And any political perspective on postmodernism is necessarily biased because postmodernism was predicated on the death of meta narratives such as marxism. Maybe you have been somehow confusing poststructural philosophy or theory with postmodern literature, theyre similar and founded on the same kinds of philosophies e.g. Nietzhe Heidegger WIttgenstein but postmodern literature is much less overtly political. So for example Pynchon one of the earliest postmodernist authors, he just wanted to point out how realist and modernist works tried to create the illusion that ordered reality was replicable in text. Modernism has probably created the saddest collection o texts of any genre or movement (anything by Kafka, Beckett, Woolf, Joyce, Conrad, Hemingway). And look up the first sentence of The Good Soldier by Ford, the first line of Pruf rock by Elliott, which are classic formative modernist works. After reading those first lines, have a look at any review of any classic postmodern novel ie - The Sot Weed Factor or Giles Goatboy by Barth, anything by Thomas Pynchon or Coover and I guarantee that each one will say in one form or another "a comic masterpiece". And that's true -postmodern novels are funny, witty, whereas modernist novels are brilliant but depressing. If you write an essay on this feel free to send it I'll read it.
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