19 November 2023 @ 05:34 am
"Maternity hospital downgraded over use of term 'mother'.

Cambridge University Hospital Trust under scrutiny for using the word in maternity leave policies, losing points in NHS diversity assessment."
simfonija: TLC - No Scrubs
19 November 2023 @ 01:30 pm
Dievs, es taču esmu tavs apkaunojoši pazemīgais kalps, gatavs stumt un vāķīt un rušināties. Ak, atsūti man darbu, kas ir gan apgādājošs gan dvēseli nedegradējošs. Vai arī sakruķī man voblu tā, lai man neriebtos tas, kas man tagad ir jādara.

Long story short, mani mentally drained un arī mazliet materiaālistiskie bosi par miljonu miljoniem pārdeva savu biznesu, un tagad man ir jauni bosi, kas neko nerubī un visu grib galēji sačakarēt, jo viņus interesē tikai dramatisks bankrots. Protams, man tas vēl ir jāizcieš tikai 4 mēnešus, but ideally es negribu ciest bet gan take cushy things for granted kā līdz šim.

I just really wish that after maternity I would not have to look for an approximately tolerably pleasant job and sell myself. That the world would recognise my unique set of skills that can be utilized generously and to a multigalactic benefit.

I would just really love to have my dream job as being something like an Executive PA to Jesus.

Meh, bļe.