Triisgadnieku meegjinaam radinaat pie savas gultas, bet vinjsh tikuntaa atgriezhas vairaakas reizes naktii pie manis.
Nu un mazinjaa pagaidaam tik daudz nemaz negrib eest.
Buutiibaa man nav suudziibu jo es gribu vinjus barot maximaali ilgi. I just need to stop whinging and think ahead, get a better mondset/perspective.
Tas par zobijiem, man shkjiet no bf taa nevar buut, according to La Leche League, jo breastmilk is not acidic unlike formula or regular milk, its antibacterial. Manam vecaakajam ir burbiigi stipri zobinji yet he is a total molk junkie still. Well, we'll see how it looks later i guess.
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