Zane ([info]mazaa_maasa) wrote on September 18th, 2006 at 12:34 am
esmu slima...
bet ja tā padomā - tās ir tikai loģiskas sekas staigāšanai pa māju bez krekla...
šogad zpd jātaisa...
tēma pat būtu ok, tik materiāli jādabū :)
tad jau redzēs kā tur izies :)
sen nav runāts ar Andri... neatbild maita...
varbūt tā pat ir labāk...

"if you are near to the dark
i will tell you 'bout the sun"
"it's in you, not in me
but it does not matter much to you"
"you're a god, and i am not"
"if you were right and i was wrong
how come you're the one who's gone
and i'm still here?
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