24 May 2012 @ 01:47 am
370. Kā gribētos  
I took a walk around the world to
Ease my troubled mind
I left my body lying somewhere
In the sands of time
I watched the world float to the dark
Side of the moon
I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah

I watched the world float to the
Dark side of the moon
After all I knew it had to be something
To do with you
I really don't mind what happens now and then
As long as you'll be my friend at the end
/3 Doors Down/
Mood: Troubled mind
24 May 2012 @ 07:51 pm
371. Caurums galvā  
Šorīt ļoti sanāca aizmirst lietas. Vispirms jau gandrīz izgāju no mājām bez gredzena. Tad pie tramvaja pieturas atjēdzos, ka pulverīti atstāju mājās, gāju atpakaļ. Iekāpu liftā ar domu, ka ejot ārā jāpačeko pastkastīte. Paķēru pulverīti un tramvajā sapratu, ka par pastkastīti aizmirsu.
Ofic tgd mājās ejot arī neatcerēšos..
Soundtrack: Otava Yo LIVE @Egle