03 June 2011 @ 04:37 pm
326. The World's Greatest First Love  
Šodien skumīgi romatisks noskaņojums :)

Nav apdeitu, ko palasīt...
Portālā arī nekas nenotiek..
Draugos un fb arī nekā jauna nav..
Būs laikam jāiet mašīna patīrīt..

šodien kāpjot ārā pa logu uz balkonu atsitu kāju un tagad man virs ceļa ir liels zilums :(

Simply liking you won't satisfy me.
Simply admiring you won't satiate me.
Today, too, the only thing real is my loneliness.
If I go see you now, I'll surely end up crying.
I fell in love with you.
On a Sunday, filled with the scent of the rain,
when I recall your laughter as you turn back to look at me,
I immediately become wanting to see you.