-]to cheat a cheater is more cheating than to cheat a none-cheater, especially if the cheated cheater is cheating the cheating cheater... XD
-]Automatic, I imagine, I believe
-]kedu siešu projām iešu
-]When your love lets you go you only want love more even when love's not what you've been looking for
-]i want you to want me i need you to need me
-]ja tu gribi brokastis gultā, tad guli virtuvē
-]the heart has no bones so it won't break
-]B.I.T.C.H. - Babe In Total Control of Herself
p.s. for the full roadtrip review click there ->http://klab.lv/users/mdz_snifs/27399 4.html?style=mine
-]Automatic, I imagine, I believe
-]kedu siešu projām iešu
-]When your love lets you go you only want love more even when love's not what you've been looking for
-]i want you to want me i need you to need me
-]ja tu gribi brokastis gultā, tad guli virtuvē
-]the heart has no bones so it won't break
-]B.I.T.C.H. - Babe In Total Control of Herself
p.s. for the full roadtrip review click there ->http://klab.lv/users/mdz_snifs/27399
Soundtrack: SA - kiss between the legs
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