08 October 2007 @ 11:54 am
Rīga - Valmiera - [caur Valku/Valgu] - Tartu - Tallina - [c.Pērnavu - c.Salacgrīvu - c.Limbažiem] - Võnnu - [c.Nītauri] - Taurupe - Ķegums - [c.Taurupi] - Ērgļi - Taurupe - [c.Suntažiem - c.Siguldu] - Valmiera - [c.Valku/Valgu] - Tartu - [c.Valku/Valgu - c.Valmieru] - Rīga
kopā nobraukts 1533,8 km no manām mājām līdz manām mājām :) pa ceļam vēl mašīnu nomazgājām un stiklus no iekšpuses notīrijām...
Tartu ir vnk nenormāli forša pilsēta [un izrādījās ka es tur jau kādreiz esmu bijusi :], es tiešām varētu tur dzīvot [kas liek man vēlreiz pārdomāt tālākās studijas - moš ne uz Franciju bet uz Tartu jābrauc]... visi cilvēki tur ir ārprātā jauki, mīļi, piemīlīgi utt., nu vnk SUPER! un valoda... vislabāk atbilst Anniņas izteiktais raksturojums: "cute'n'cuddly" ^_________________________^
aaaargh!!!!!! es pat nevaru ye neko sarakstīt jēdzīgu, vnk nav iespējams...
Mood: cheerful
Soundtrack: opels :D
08 October 2007 @ 01:34 pm
man radās motivācija labi mācīties - lai dabūtu stipendijas arī nākamsemestr, lai varētu sakrātu naudiņu, lai vasarā mēnesi varētu dzīvot Tartu!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Mood: lol
Soundtrack: The Clash - Should i stay or should i go
08 October 2007 @ 09:52 pm
You Are Sunrise

You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.

You Are a Little Scary

You've got a nice edge to you. Use it.

You Are 55% Angry

Generally, you are not an angry person.
But you're easily frustrated and enraged. You have one heck of a temper.
And because of your anger, you tend to feel resentful and even spiteful.
You already know how to quell your anger. You just need to do it more often.

You Are 32% Abnormal

You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.

You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at medium risk for having a social phobia. It is somewhat likely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

You Have Fantastic Karma

You are a kind, sensitive, and giving person.
And all your good deeds will pay off - if they haven't already.
But you're not so concerned with what you get in return anyway.
You have an innate caring nature - and nothing can change that!
Mood: addicted
Soundtrack: Jem - They
08 October 2007 @ 11:05 pm
while i was searching for some songs in my audio folder, i actually found a song "Estonia" by Toothsome twang in there :D
Mood: still estonian-addict
Soundtrack: Toothsome Twang - Estonia