Murgs... pagājušās divas naktis nevarēju normāli gulēt... too many minds... jāatrbrīvojas no tām visām... jāizkrata sirds kādam kas neko no tā visa nejēdz... vai arī vnk jāpasaka viss viņam... esmu jau gandrīz gandrīz saņēmusies to pateikt...
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Don't let the world bring you down
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold
Remember why you came
And while you're alive
Experience the warmth before you grow old.
Don't let the world bring you down
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold
Remember why you came
And while you're alive
Experience the warmth before you grow old.
Mood: messed up
Soundtrack: nooooooooone
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