1. Apr 2022|21:44 |
Pateicoties lietotājas Formicas dotajai info man radās pārdoma.
Ja ir pierādīts, ka atsevišķu slimību ārstēšanā iedarbīga ir gan parastā(ķīmisko zāļu dzeršanas) medicīna, gan homeopātija, tad kuru no metodēm izmantot, vismaz kā pirmo, ņemot vērā, ka blaknes būs ķīmiskajām zālēm, bet homeopātijai nebūs. Un ņemot vērā pētījumu rezultātus(nepārbaudīju protams) veiksmīgā ārstēšana ir dēļ homeopātisko zāļu iedarbības, nevis placebo.
Vēlmes meklēt ko vairāk, vai sīkāk man šobrīd nav, tāpēc šeit ir tikai iepriekš doto četru atskaišu materiāli.
2005 gads https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16296912/ Results: A total of 6544 consecutive follow-up patients were given outcome scores. Of the patients 70.7% (n = 4627) reported positive health changes, with 50.7% (n = 3318) recording their improvement as better (+2) or much better (+3). Conclusions: Homeopathic intervention offered positive health changes to a substantial proportion of a large cohort of patients with a wide range of chronic diseases. Additional observational research, including studies using different designs, is necessary for further research development in homeopathy.
2006 gads https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17227745/ Results: Practitioners submitted data regularly and punctually, and most data cells were completed. 767 individual patients were treated (547 dogs, 155 cats, 50 horses, 5 rabbits, 4 guinea-pigs, 2 birds, 2 goats, 1 cow, and 1 tortoise). Outcome from two or more homeopathic appointments per patient condition was obtained in 539 cases (79.8% showing improvement, 6.1% deterioration, 11.7% no change; outcome not recorded in 2.4% of follow-ups). Strongly positive outcomes (scores of +2 or +3) were achieved in: arthritis and epilepsy in dogs and, in smaller numbers, in atopic dermatitis, gingivitis and hyperthyroidism in cats. Conclusions: Systematic recording of data by veterinarians in clinical practice is feasible and capable of informing future research in veterinary homeopathy. A refined version of the spreadsheet can be used in larger-scale research-targeted veterinary data collection.
2007 gads https://www.britishhomeopathic.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Veteinary_pilot_study_20071.pdf Results: Practitioners submitted data regularly and punctually, and most data cells were completed. 767 individual patients were treated (547 dogs, 155 cats, 50 horses, 5 rabbits, 4 guinea-pigs, 2 birds, 2 goats, 1 cow, and 1 tortoise). Outcome from two or more homeopathic appointments per patient condition was obtained in 539 cases (79.8% showing improvement, 6.1% deterioration, 11.7% no change; outcome not recorded in 2.4% of follow-ups). Strongly positive outcomes (scores of +2 or +3) were achieved in: arthritis and epilepsy in dogs and, in smaller numbers, in atopic dermatitis, gingivitis and hyperthyroidism in cats. Conclusions: Systematic recording of data by veterinarians in clinical practice is feasible and capable of informing future research in veterinary homeopathy. A refined version of the spreadsheet can be used in larger-scale research-targeted veterinary data collection. Homeopathy (2007) 96, 27–34.
2010 gads https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20970093/ Results: Data from 400 cats comprised a total of 372 individual chronic problems, of which 270 had FU assessment. Data from 1504 dogs comprised a total of 1408 individual chronic problems, of which 1070 had FU assessment. In both species, 22% of FUs in chronic cases received conventional medicines concurrently. In cats, 117 different chronic medical conditions in total were treated with homeopathy. Five of those conditions included ≥20 cases, in which owner-reported outcomes (in decreasing rank order of frequency) were: dermatitis (69.6% patients with +2 or +3 outcome, 0% patients with -2 or -3 outcome); renal failure (57.1%, 14.3%); overgrooming (57.1%, 7.2%); arthritis (80.0%, 0%); hyperthyroidism (66.7%, 0%). In dogs, of 301 different chronic medical conditions treated in total, those most commonly recorded (≥20 cases) were: dermatitis (66.2% with +2 or +3 outcome, 5.4% with -2 or -3 outcome); arthritis (80.2%, 0.8%); pyoderma (75.8%, 0%); colitis (85.2%, 0%); fear (31.6%, 0%); epilepsy (63.6%, 4.5%); otitis externa (72.7%, 0%); diarrhoea (68.2%, 0%); urinary incontinence (73.7%, 0%); aggression (57.1%, 0%); spondylosis (81.0%, 0%); lymphoma (40.0%, 6.7%). Conclusions: A programme of controlled research in veterinary homeopathy for these feline and canine conditions is clearly indicated.