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4. Jan 2022|12:29

6.3 Overall evaluation
6.3.1 Cancer
FR1 (450 to 6000 MHz): As a synthesis of what we have managed to analyse in the available scientific literature, in both human and animal studies, we can say that RF-EMF at FR1 frequencies exposure probably cause cancer, and in particular gliomas and acoustic neuromas in humans.
FR2 (24 to 100 GHz ): No adequate studies were performed on non thermal effects of the higher frequencies.
6.3.2 Reproductive developmental effects
FR1(450 to 6000 MH z): These frequencies clearly affect male fertility. These frequencies possibly affect female fertility. They possibly have adverse effects on the development of embryos, foetuses and newborns.
FR2 (24 to 100 GHz ): No adequate studies were performed on non- thermal effects of the higher frequencies.

Šobrīd mums 5G mobīlie raida līdz 6000MHz(6GHz) frekvencēs, jo tik daudz antenu salikt nebūs izdevīgi, lai izmantotu augstākas frekvences. 4G ir līdz 2000MHz(2GHz). 3G = 400MHz - 3000MHz(3GHz). Tātad jau padsmit gadus visi esam pakļauti elektromagnētiskajam starojumam, kurš apstiprināti ietekmē auglību un var izraisīt vēzi.

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