viss mans
15 Oktobris 2008 @ 21:41
Rails & Ties  

Šī laikam bija skumjākā filma, kādu esmu redzējusi.
Skumji bija jau no desmitās minūtes. Un tie, kas raud, skatoties filmas, visticamāk, no desmitās minūtes to sāktu arī darīt.
Es parasti neraudu. Šoreiz bija neparasti.

ekrānšāviņi )
viss mans
05 Aprīlis 2008 @ 14:19
August Rush  
Tā.a, viss, ko es varu pateikt par August Rush ir tas,
ka ļoti skaisti skaņu celiņi.
Un tie, kam patīk mazliet pasaku būšanas, tiem patiks filma.
Un tie, kam patīk mūzika, tiem patiks filma.
Man patika. Jā.

The music is all around you, all you have to do is listen.
viss mans
04 Aprīlis 2008 @ 20:41
Into the wild  

Into the wild.
es nezinu, ko lai es te saku, bet es varu tikai nobļauties, n o s k a t i e t i e s!
pielipt uz divām ar pusi stundām pie ekrāna un teju vai neelpot.
tas ir stāsts par dzīvi un būšanu ar sevi.
es dodu vienpadsmit acis no desmit.

viss mans
13 Marts 2008 @ 01:35
bin jip  

filmu es skatījos tā, -sākumā pusi un otru pusi atstāju vēlāk, lai nebeidzas, lai ir vēl. un tai 2004. gadā, kad tā tika uzņemta, es skatījos un neko nesapratu.
bet tagad, tagad, - ļoti ļoti.
viss mans
10 Marts 2008 @ 22:23

Tiešām ļoti patika un noskatījos vienā elpas vilcienā, bez skatīšanās pulkstenī, bez pauzes uzlikšanas.
Ļoti, ļoti. Skaisti skumji.

viss mans
17 Februāris 2008 @ 00:14
1978. gada filma par rastām. Iesaku, iesaku, neko cēlu no sižeta negaidiet, bet kaudzi regejmūzikas un sajūtas gan.

Jacob Miller: [brandishing a switchblade] Don't say nothing, y 'hear? Don't say nothing! The man eat up my food, man!  
Horsemouth: No, man!  
Jacob Miller: No, Rasta, Me no love that, man, me no love that! Me screw for that! You know, Rasta. Cho. I-man vex, Rasta.
un te vēl daži ekrānšāviņi.

dzied un spēlē: Tortoise - Djed
viss mans
01 Februāris 2008 @ 01:37
my life without me.
skatoties pāris reižu nācās piespiest pause, tikai tamdēļ, lai nenāktos izplūst asarās.
mazliet noturējos, mazliet nē. ja vien līdzās kāds, skatoties šo filmu, izdvestu kaut mazāko šņukstienu, es raudātu kā mazs bērns.
You don't know who or what you're praying to, but you pray. You don't even regret the life that you're not gonna have, because by then you'll be dead. And the dead don't feel anything. Not even regret.
1. Tell my daughters I love them several times.
2. Find Don a new wife who the girls like.
3. Record birthday messages for the girls for every year until they're 18.
4. Go to Whalebay Beach together and have a big picnic.
5. Smoke and drink as much as I want.
6. Say what I'm thinking.
7. Make love with other men to see what it's like.
8. Make someone fall in love with me.
9. Go and see Dad in Jail.
10. Get false nails. And do something with my hair.

This is you. Eyes closed, out in the rain. You never thought you'd be doing something like this, you never saw yourself as, I don't know how you'd describe it... Is like one of those people who like looking up at the moon, who spend hours gazing at the waves or the sunset or... I guess you know the kind of people I'm talking about. Maybe you don't. Anyway, you kind of like being like this, fighting the cold, feeling the water seep through your shirt and getting through your skin. And the feel of the ground growing soft beneath your feet. And the smell. And the sound of the rain hitting the leaves. All the things they talked about in the books you haven't read. This is you, who would have guessed it? You.
No-one's normal, Mom. No such thing as normal people.
viss mans
09 Janvāris 2008 @ 23:23
šovakar mani vilina video failu mēslošana.
dzied un spēlē: citizen cope - let the drummer kick
viss mans
09 Janvāris 2008 @ 23:14
viss mans
09 Janvāris 2008 @ 22:46
Nu tiešām, tiešām bezgala patīkami pārsteidza "Once".
Iesaku un rekomendēju.