MēS vIsI mIrSiM! -
July 9th, 2009
11:13 am


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[User Picture]
Date:July 9th, 2009 - 01:43 pm
Mmmm... par kādu tēmu?
[User Picture]
Date:July 9th, 2009 - 02:16 pm

The term emerged in France in the early 19th century when artists and creators began to concentrate in the lower-rent, lower class gypsy neighbourhoods. The term bohémien was a common term for the Romani people of France, who had reached Western Europe via Bohemia. <- kas ir čehijā.

i had no idea :)

[User Picture]
Date:July 9th, 2009 - 02:32 pm
Ak, bohēma... zinam, zinam, esam nobaudījuši. Tas pats, kas kūkas - no sākuma liekas debešķīgi, tak vēlāk šķebina.
[User Picture]
Date:July 9th, 2009 - 02:33 pm
jā, šoreiz tiešām, - kas par daudz, tas par skādi.
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