07 November 2013 @ 01:19 pm
Maksiin!!! Bļaģ!!!

V: what time are u finishing?
M: at nine
V: what will u do latter?
M: I'll go home, read a book
V: nah, we should gave a drink together...

V: come with me to Italy, for a few days if u want to... You can find a better work there, and have everything u want...
M: yeah sure, and then you'll merry me and we'll have two kids and at the end i' ll become your maid and one of the seven wives... Sounds like a dream...

Darbā ieradies kaut kāds merčendaizeris no Itālijas...
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Kate[info]es_esmu_dzhims on November 7th, 2013 - 01:49 pm
wtf kopsh kura laika itaaljiem ir daudzsieviiba? :DD
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B.[info]maksiine on November 7th, 2013 - 02:08 pm
Viņš ir kaut kāds Itālijas indietis vai kaut kas tāds... thats the fuck...
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(Anonymous) on November 7th, 2013 - 04:41 pm
šitik tik lēti vervēt, tie ārzemnieki tiešam ir tik aprobežoti, domā ka visas ir kaut kāds zostiņas
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B.[info]maksiine on November 7th, 2013 - 05:37 pm
Šķiet man izdevās viņu sašokēt ar tādu atbildi, viņam pilnīgi plakstiņs noraustijās...
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