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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in magda's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, April 16th, 2010
    1:24 pm
    manas plaukstas ir krustzirnekļi
    Thursday, April 15th, 2010
    10:24 am
    Sievietes bez vīriešiem kļūst raupjas, skaļas, neglītas (iekšēji neglītas). Pazūd smalkums un graciozitāte. Pazūd maigais skanējums.
    Sieviete bez vīrieša ir divdabis.
    Wednesday, February 10th, 2010
    5:07 pm
    U became the dark side of my light.
    Tuesday, January 26th, 2010
    8:25 pm
    Pa visu šo laiku šis tas ir mainījies.
    Daudz pīpēju. Vēl vairāk dzeru.
    Ir sācis mocīt klepus.
    Tāds, ka jūtu plaušas.

    Vēl šis tas daudzkas ir mainījies.

    Bet šodien ir man diena. Pēc tik daudziem laikiem. :-)
    Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
    4:43 pm
    Somebody is trying me.
    Somebody is trying on me.
    Good luck :-)
    I'm a kind of a free.
    Dancing in the street.
    Like a queen.
    Wednesday, May 6th, 2009
    3:52 pm
    Man arī droši vien būs veca āda. Es tagad jau redzu faktūru. Tikai tagd āda ir bieza un stingra. Bet tad, kad jau daudzi gadi būs pagājuši, tad āda būs tāda pati kā mammai - ar to pašu rakstu, caurspīdīga, pat trausla un mīksta.
    Interesanti, ka mūsu ķermeņi tā noveco. Viņi uzrada visādas paliekošas (puspaliekošas lietas) un tad noveco. Un pazūd.
    Thursday, April 16th, 2009
    10:27 am
    Vakar konstatēja personības dalīšanos.
    Jāsāk sevi vērot.
    Monday, March 23rd, 2009
    2:40 pm
    cik superīgi :-)
    Think of you with pipe and slippers
    Think of her in bed
    Laying there just watching telly
    Then think of me instead

    I'll never grow so old and flabby
    That could never be
    Don't marry her, fuck me

    And your love light shines like cardboard
    But your work shoes are glistening
    She's a PhD in "I told you so"
    You've a knighthood in "I'm not listening"

    She'll grab your sweaty bollocks
    Then slowly raise her knee
    Don't marry her, fuck me

    And the Sunday sun shines down on San Francisco bay
    And you realise you can't make it anyway
    You have to wash the car
    Take the kiddies to the park
    Don't marry her, fuck me

    Those lovely Sunday mornings
    With breakfast brought in bed
    Those blackbirds look like knitting needles
    Trying to peck your head

    Those birds will peck your soul out
    And throw away the key
    Don't marry her, fuck me

    And the kitchen's always tidy
    And the bathroom's always clean
    She's a diploma in "just hiding things"
    You've a first in "low esteem"

    When your socks smell of angels
    But your life smells of Brie
    Don't marry her, fuck me

    And the Sunday sun shines down on San Francisco bay
    And you realise you can't make it anyway
    You have to wash the car
    Take the kiddies to the park
    Don't marry her, fuck me

    And the Sunday sun shines down on San Francisco bay
    And you realise you can't make it anyway
    You have to wash the car
    Take the kiddies to the park
    Don't marry her, fuck me
    Sunday, March 22nd, 2009
    8:10 pm
    Sex kills in sunny sundays.
    Sex kills, vai ne?
    Wednesday, March 11th, 2009
    4:56 pm
    I'm afraid of the dark,
    'specially when I'm in a park
    And there's no-one else around,

    Ooh, I get the shivers
    I don't want to see a ghost,
    It's a sight that I fear most
    I'd rather have a piece of toast
    And watch the evening news
    Tuesday, January 20th, 2009
    2:58 pm
    Es esmu interesanta.
    2:17 pm
    Kā viņi te visi runā. Es nevaru pastrrrrrrrrrrādāt.
    11:32 am
    Man mamma atdeva smaržas.
    Zanei mamma sadūra ledusskapi.Bet smaržas arī atdeva. :-)
    Monday, January 19th, 2009
    10:09 am
    Šodien jūtos pilnīgi nederīga.
    Sunday, January 18th, 2009
    9:22 pm
    Sist, sist, sist. Kamēr visu trakumu izsit ārā. No galvas. Un no sirds. Un no vēdera kamēr visu izsit ārā.
    Sist vajag ar pēdām pa asfaltu. Lai viss izsitas ārā.
    Un tad vajag elpot. Beidzot.
    Tā, lai jums no manis paliek bail.
    Monday, January 12th, 2009
    10:56 pm
    Man patīk, kā man smaržo galvas āda.
    Kad paberzē pirkstus pa matu saknēm. Un tad pasmaržo. Pēc mājām smaržo.
    Sunday, January 11th, 2009
    9:08 pm
    tāda kā pusdzīve sanāk.
    tāds kā pusvārīts.
    es pa pusei.
    kā bolivudas romatika. pa pusei.

    kaut kur ne pie zemes ne debesīs.
    kaut kur ne pa īstam ne pa neīstam.

    ne nogurdinoši, ne uzbudinoši, ne bīstami, ne droši, ne izspļaut, ne paturēt.
    Kaut kur pa vidu.
    Friday, December 19th, 2008
    5:16 pm
    Pēc divām karstvīna krūzēm atnāca spams: "Don't disapear again".

    Well, I will :-)
    Monday, December 1st, 2008
    10:36 am
    Monday, October 27th, 2008
    2:46 pm
    Kā tādā vāveres ritenī
    ritenī vāveres tādā kĀ

    Kā tādā kņudošā vēderā
    Veros es vecmātes ņieburā

    Paķeru cepuri
    Noauju kājas

    Rudens ir atnācis
    Lapas ir vājas
    Karājas zaros
    Zemē krīt
    Sagriežas virpulī
    Logos spīd
    Gaismiņas spožas
    Actiņas vājas
    Vecais kurmis ir atnācis mājās
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