maga - August 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 20th, 2011

[Aug. 20th, 2011|01:00 am]
sovakar draņķīgs noskaņojums. man gribas, lai fotonometne nekad nebūtu beigusies.
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[Aug. 20th, 2011|09:21 pm]
desmitreiz dienā feisbukā meklēju fotonometnes pēdas. pamazām sāk šķist, ka tas bija sapnis, bet realitāte - zāļu tējas un četras sienas mūžīgi mūžos. vienīgais komiskais fakts, ka zāļu vietā uzrakstīju zaķu.
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[Aug. 20th, 2011|09:56 pm]
nedēļas himna

drink up, baby, stay up all night 
the things you could do, you won't but you might 
the potential you'll be, that you'll never see 
the promises you'll only make 

drink up one more time and I'll make you mine 
keep you apart deep in my heart separate from the rest 
where I like you the best and keep the things you forgot
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