

December 4th, 2015

01:18 pm: Taisu infografiku par ziemassvētkiem, lasu materiālus un smejos :)

Young, unattached men often view giving gifts as "fiscal foreplay". In fact there is a biological tendency for them to do this - the use of food in exchange for sexual access and grooming has been documented in our closest ape relative, the chimpanzee.

02:30 pm: no 1896.g grāmatas THE LADIES' BOOK OF USEFUL INFORMATION

It has often been observed, and experience has shown the observation to be a true one, that some event of importance is sure to happen to a woman in her thirty-first year, whether it prove for her good or it be some evil or temptation; therefore we advise her to be circumspect in all her actions. If she is a maiden or widow, it is probable she will marry this year. If a wife, that she will lose her children or husband. She will either receive riches or travel into a foreign land; at all events, some circumstance or other will take place during this remarkable year of her life that will have great effect on her future fortunes and existence.

ja nu kādam interesē vairāk :)

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