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Necronomicon [19. Apr 2007|21:37]
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Date:10. Maijs 2007 - 22:29
Disco Necronomicon setliste:

1. Sui Generis Umbra - Comayhem
2. Xess - Blood, Money & Sex
3. Saltatio Mortis - Hör Die Trommeln
4. Gods Army - The Ninth Gate
5. Hagalaz' Runedance - Frigga's Web
6. Omnia - Dil Gaya
7. Neun Welten - Valg
8. Fire & Ice - Dragons In The Sunset
9. Dead Can Dance - Towards the Within
10. Medieval Babes - Veni coronaberis
11. Gjallarhorn - Suvetar / Goddess of spring
12. Cornix Maledictum - Mariage En Noir
13. Sorten Muld - Ravnen
14. Garmarna - Euchari
15. Cure - Bloodflowers
16. Forgotten Sunrise - Surroundcosmos (Clean Version)
17. Delerium feat. Medieval Babes - Aria (NEW DELERIUM SONG!)
18. Type O Negative - Halloween In Heaven
19. Trolj Gnjot Jelj – Zemlenichnij Bereserk
20. Voltaire - Zombie Prostitute
21. New Days Delay - Tiny Monsters and Furry Little Creatures
22. Scary Bitches - Lesbian Vampires from outer Space
23. Zombina And The Skeletons - The New Orleans Incident

Kaut ko tur pa vidu mainīju, šķiet beigās arī visu iecerēto nenospēlēju, bet 80% šis saraksts varētu atbilst īstenībai.
Nākoš piektdien atkal dejojam ;)
Date:11. Maijs 2007 - 00:09
Garmarna. Tā jau likās, ka kaut kur dzirdēts gabals bija. XD