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Sāpes [2. Apr 2007|23:52]
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Date:6. Aprīlis 2007 - 00:39

Oasis - Live Forever

Maybe I don't really want to know
How your garden grows
I just want to fly Lately did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks it to the bone

Maybe I just want to fly
I want to live I don't want to die
Maybe I just want to breath
Maybe I just don't believe
Maybe you're the same as me
We see things they'll never see
You and I are gonna live forever

Maybe I don't really want to know
How your garden grows
I just want to fly Lately did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks it to the bone

Maybe I will never be
All the things that I want to be
But now is not the time to cry
Now's the time to find out why
I think you're the same as me
We see things they'll never see
You and I are gonna live forever
We're gonna live forever
Gonna live forever
Live forever
[User Picture]
Date:6. Aprīlis 2007 - 13:38

Re: Oasis - Live Forever

Šāds komentārs nav Tavā stilā. Ko Tu vakarnakt salietojies?
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Date:6. Aprīlis 2007 - 14:56

Re: Oasis - Live Forever

Puķuzirnīšus sašņaucos :D