22 Augusts 2004 @ 22:24
Atradu vienkaarshi niekojoties  
YOu see the world in Neutral
Harmony and balance is key. You don't look at the
world in a negative or positive way and you'll
never judge or assume a situation- you just
look at the facts. People like you are peaceful
and accepting.

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
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gandrīz patiesa: seezh[info]skyhell on 22. Augusts 2004 - 22:35
kad shito testeeju, tad sanaacu taada pati.. jaapameegjina, kas tagad!
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lusija[info]lusija on 22. Augusts 2004 - 22:42
patiesiibaa rezultaats mani paarsteidza. Biju domaajusi, ka tieshaam jau saaku palikt paaraak sweet un paaraak apmierinaata ar dziive, bet, kaa raadaas, viss veel OK :))
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