02 Maijs 2004 @ 22:23
Who is in your celebrity family? by cerulean_dreams
User Name
MomWhitney Houston
DadSteve Irwin
BrotherJustin Timberlake
SisterChristina Aguilera
BoyfriendJohnny Depp
Best friendDrew Barrymore
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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Decerebrated individual: muscles[info]muchacho on 2. Maijs 2004 - 22:42
spams komentāros :)
Who is in your celebrity family? by cerulean_dreams
User Name
DadChristopher Walken
BrotherClay Aiken
SisterMilla Jovovich
DogRin tin tin
BoyfriendSteve Irwin
Best friendEnya
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

tīri vai patīkami, ka Madonna :)
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