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[Apr. 19th, 2011|11:01 pm]
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"Tikai apmēram 30% cilvēku, kuri nokļuvuši kontaktā ar tuberkulozi, ar to inficējas, bet 5% no tiem saslimst ar tuberkulozi. Pārējiem veidojas latenta tuberkulozes infekcija"

"Some people claim that as many as 63.000 persons died at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium"

Kaut kā nereāli, ja 63.000 ir tie 5%, cik tad inficējās??

Death rate

Some urban legends claim that "63,000 deaths" occurred at the Sanatorium. According to Assistant Medical Director Dr. J. Frank W. Stewart, the highest number of deaths in a single year at Waverly Hills was 152. Stewart wrote that the worst time for deaths was at the end of the Second World War when troops were returning from overseas with very advanced tuberculosis cases.[20] Some independent researchers suggest that since 162 people died at Waverly Hills in 1945, the highest total number of deaths possible over 50 years was approximately 8,212.[21][22]

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