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Nov. 28th, 2007 | 11:30 pm

Which country should you REALLY be living in?


G'day Mate! You're a yokker. A true Aussie. You love the beach and barbies, as well as sport and sex. Life couldn't get any simpler, and thats the way it should be. C'mon Aussie, C'mon!

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from: [info]psihs
date: Nov. 30th, 2007 - 12:08 am

Which country should you REALLY be living in?


A vast terrain filled with beautiful scenery and interesting characters. You don't trust the world. You feel they are always up to no good. Which is why you'd make a great Russian.
You want life to be simple and have no desire for riches, fame or wealth - and thats the only way your government would have it.

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Re: bljaa

from: anonymous
date: Nov. 30th, 2007 - 01:05 pm

man ar

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Re: bljaa

from: [info]little_black
date: Nov. 30th, 2007 - 06:47 pm

nu vot, marš uz Russiju :D

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(no subject)

from: [info]acdc
date: Nov. 30th, 2007 - 07:42 am

nu ko parvacamies kopa uz australiju? man ar sanaca australija

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from: [info]little_black
date: Nov. 30th, 2007 - 06:46 pm

haah, davai :)

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