liktens_humors ([info]liktens_humors) wrote on June 23rd, 2010 at 12:21 am
you know dear. I have no idea why you're still hanging around. it might be quite simple for you, and it still is for me, but I understand that it might change in a while. so what I say in this case is - time will show.

laikam ir pavisam muļķīgi dot padomus dzērumā cilvēkiem, kuri ir skaidrā un kuriem tas ir sasodīti nozīmīgi, so, nekautrējos pateikt - parunāsim par to rīt. šobrīd alkohola līmenis manā organismā ir pārāk liels, lai pat tagad bez pārmetumiem sev sniegtu padomus tev, kad visi citi manu personīgo dzīvo nosoda.

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