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01:22 am: 1.


Date:January 5th, 2007 - 12:56 am
Nu ar to vēlēku apgreidošanu tā ir kā ir. Nākošgad ķipa iznāks mātenes ar DDR3 atmiņu +sāk iznākt 4-kodolu procesori, bet viņi spārda 700Ls, so...
Ok es salikshu kko.(Pag! ;D)
Es ceru, ka tu neesi Intel fanboys, jo man ir svakas zināšanas par intel. (amd mostly ;)
Date:January 5th, 2007 - 01:14 am
Is AMD better than INTEL? Is it cheaper and better?
4 kodolu? LOL - līdz brīdim, kad viņi būs ikdiena, es jau pelnīšu pietiekami, lai kaut ko tādu nopirktu 'D
Saliec gan, es jau zinu, ka tev nav nekā labāka ko darī [par sēdēšanu pie datora] ;D
Date:January 5th, 2007 - 01:33 am
Hmm well, my eyes are failing me today. You can ask -> forums maybe or something. I'll give you something tomorrow, as i just realised that i havent made up this shit in some time and i need updates. +im really getting sleepy.
Hmm. It's going to be YOUR new pc, i hope? (In that case i will put more effort tomorrow, and you can expect more visits from me in future. ;D)
Date:January 5th, 2007 - 02:30 am
My? Well, it might turn out that way, yes ;D
Oh, it's like - eee, you got some stuff, I want some stuff too, can I have some stuff? :D
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