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12:53 am: .sleep.


Date:January 5th, 2006 - 01:45 am
sounds like fun - derētu kādreiz izlasīt..
[User Picture]
Date:January 5th, 2006 - 03:25 am
aaa, shitas vēl labāks -

Patrick Bateman is twenty-six and works on Wall Street; he is handsome, sophisticated, charming and intelligent. he is also a psychopath. American Psycho is a bleak, bitter, black comedy about a world we all recognize but do not wish to face and it takes us to a head-on collision with America's greatest dream - and its worst nightmare.

ir labs, vismaz so far. kas, filmu neesi redzējis? vēl gan nevaru salīdzināt filmu ar grāmatu...
Date:January 5th, 2006 - 04:02 am
kaut kā neatceros filmu.. gasn jau, ar laiku;)
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